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Storybit : Cattleman’s Choice Feedyard, Inc.

Storybit : Cattleman’s Choice Feedyard, Inc. - Blog Image

It’s 2019 and we’re so glad that you’ve been following along and even rang in the new year with us together. For the last several weeks we’ve been promising to bring you some of the great stories behind where your food comes from and we’re excited to get to kick that off this week! Our mantra has always been, “every meal has a story” and if you’ve been reading along then I’m sure you realize that a story can touch many people, processes, farms and animals. Our first story of the year features Cattleman’s Choice Feed Yard, Inc and the recent WFCF audit that took place there just a couple weeks ago. Every meal has a story, and we’d like to tell you one that starts with the Moore family at CCFI.

The Moore Family and Cattleman’s Choice

Originally, Dale Moore grew up as a typical Missouri farm kid—who ironically hated tractors. He began his career washing water tanks in 1990 in Scott City, KS, eventually learning every job there is on to learn on a feedyard. Mary Moore grew up in Overland Park, KS, and was a very successful real estate closer before giving it all up to follow Dale’s dream into an industry she knew nothing about. But almost 20 years later, she now knows more about it than most managers.

Dale and Mary purchased Cattleman’s Choice in 2000, starting with just 650 head of cattle. One hundred percent were customer-owned from the previous feedyard Dale left to pursue CCFI. And for the last two years, CCFI has been 100 percent full, averaging roughly ten thousand head with about 95 percent of customers preferring to retain ownership due to the success of participating in WFCF programs.

Dale and Mary’s dedication over the years has developed into a passion for helping cattleman improve cattle for the consumer. CCFI helps do this through fine-tuned feeding, strategic sorting, carcass data and genetics feedback, and overall herd management.

They never forget it was the customers who got them to where they are and are continuously inspired by their personal stories around their businesses.

Auditing Services

Where Food Comes From, Inc. audits the feedyard, Dale and Mary’s cow/calf operation, and roughly 90 percent of CCFI’s customers. Feeding programs include BQA, NHTC, and Verified Natural Beef (VNB, previously referred to as NE3).

Benefits of WFCF

Originally, the Moore’s began working with WFCF after they started seeing the change in the industry from the consumer side. The reality of financially struggling trying to feed conventional cattle was there, so Dale and Mary knew they needed to adapt. The typical CCFI customer already met most of the requirements needed to qualify, so it was an easy decision and transition. The Moore’s see the benefits of third-party verification from both the success of the feedyard and customers in a very tough industry. They’re aware not all feedyards or ranches can do what they’re doing and still end up on top. The Moore’s also acknowledge the consumer appreciation for what they do and are looking forward to seeing how WFCF helps the advancement and sustainability for the industry.

Every Meal Has A Story

Dale and Mary certainly have a truly unique and inspiring story and WFCF is grateful to be a part of it. It is easy to see how their hard work and customer dedication has helped CCFI grow and succeed over the last two decades. We’re excited in the coming months to have the opportunity to continue tell additional stories of farmers and ranchers who we work with to provide you transparent and authentic communication about by whom and how your food is produced.


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