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WFCF Storybit : Trail Truffles – Let’s Hit the Trail!

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Most of us have a busy lifestyle, a lifestyle that can include kids, work, personal hobbies or perhaps all three. Sometimes you get so caught up in your activities that you forget to grab a snack and quickly find yourself in that state between hungry and angry, widely known as “hangry.” No one wants to be in the hangry state. When you grab that on-the-go snack it’s probably not giving you all the nutrients or energy you really need. So, then you find yourself regretting the small bag of cheese puffs you just devoured. Well, we have a solution! We recently had the pleasure of meeting one of our customers face-to-face at our Expo East Reception, and their snack was a favorite by many! A snack that is both convenient and nutritious – Trial Truffles! Today, we hit the trails with Casey Zaugg, Chief Truffle Officer at Trail Truffles, and see why these high protein bites should be a part of your snack rotation.

The Story

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Years ago, Casey was competing in a 100K mountain bike race with about 10 miles remaining and needed some serious fuel to get him across the finish line. The gels and gummies weren’t cutting it and all he had left was a cumbersome energy bar. In 90-degree heat, with every bite he took he found himself trying to wash it down with water. The entire time thinking to himself, “there’s got to be a better way!” Casey then realized that there was not a fueling solution in the marketplace that was convenient, portable, healthy and tasty. So, Casey immediately sprang into action. After a few years of research and development, his trail-blazing passion led him to create the perfect “clean energy” snack, and Trail Truffles was born.

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Yes, there are many fueling options that exist in the market today, but none capture all the characteristics that Trail Truffles does, which makes them so unique. Their non-melting, non-freezing chocolate shell, with an indulgent filling is unlike other mixes. It provides the decadence of a dark chocolate truffle, all the while being easy to eat and provides sustained fuel for whatever adventures your life takes you. This is a quick pick-me-up to make it through the afternoon, or a healthful snack for the kiddos, Trail Truffles are designed to be the go-to source of energy that satiates your sweet tooth with healthful ingredients. Their varieties range from coconut macadamia, mint crème, to chocolate hazelnut. Are you taste buds salivating yet?

Casey eventually left the corporate world to follow his passion, the trails. The entire Trail Truffles team is highly engaged with all things trail related from biking to hiking and more. The importance of healthy options while out on the trail are paramount to them. Since Trail Truffles were born on the Trail, they absolutely want to deliver a product that meets the strict requirements of the “outdoorsy crowd” as well as the nutritionally minded individual.

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In addition to providing a nutritious snack, Casey and team plan to move all of their packaging to compostable and plant-based by 2020 to ensure the only “footprint” their customers leave on the trail is from their boots, not their waste. Casey and team are also working toward a partnership with the National Parks Foundation to give back a percentage of their sales to the trails they use and love. Their focus is to ensure a legacy of trail stewardship and support.

Verification Programs

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Today, Trail Truffles participates in the Non-GMO Project verification program. Trail Truffles use simple ingredients with no additives, preservatives, or unpronounceable elements. Many of the ingredients are naturally high in antioxidants so the Truffles don’t spoil easily. With the exception of the peanut butter cup, Trail Truffles are paleo friendly, including Whole30 and Keto. You can purchase the snack pouches online from their store @, Amazon, Whole Foods Rocky Mountain region, Earth Fare and many other regional chains. View their entire store listings here.

Why Verify?

Trail Truffles wants to be transparent with their customers. Sound familiar? No wonder they partner with Where Food Comes From. They too understand the importance of sharing their food story. Casey and team want to communicate to their customers that the ingredients and methods of processing that they use in their product meets the strict verification standards. This ensures the quality and efficiency of the Trail Truffle product. They want to be a brand that consumers trust. Happy Trails!

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