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Pigs with space in pen


Animal Care was formed after the passing of Proposition 12 (2018) to implement the law and its first task has been joint promulgation of regulations with Department of Public Health in addition to outreach and education of stakeholders.

Animal Care by CDFA
Animal Care by CDFA

Animal Care by CDFA

On November 6, 2018, California voters approved Proposition 12, the Farm Animal Confinement Initiative. This law requires that covered animals be housed in confinement systems that comply with specific minimum standards for freedom of movement, cage-free design, and minimum floor space, and identifies covered animals to include veal calves, breeding pigs and egg-laying hens, as specified.


The law prohibits a business owner or operator from knowingly engaging in a sale within the state of California that are not approved for the Animal Care by CDFA, aka Prop 12, new program.

Validus, a division of Where Food Comes From, Inc.,
is approved to conduct these audits.

Review the full regulations, rulings and more on the CDFA website.

Bundling Opportunities

Bundling Opportunities

The certification process is often thought of as time consuming and laborious.  How will you manage more certifications when you're already focusing on so many others? If it’s your first time, certification is honestly a daunting task.


WFCF has focused priorities and certification efforts to serve consumer package good companies, retailers, suppliers and farmers to ensure we can offer all of the highly recognized certifications while reducing your costs, creating brand awareness and saving you time by streamlining and bundling your many certifications.

WFCF has five different divisions under the WFCF umbrella and are each led by the industry’s experts in their given field.  When you choose to work with WFCF, you can rest assured you're working with the best of the best!

Verification Matters.
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