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Certification schemes benchmarked by GFSI, such as SQF,

are recognized worldwide and are requested more and more frequently by customers of food processors and manufacturers.

Safe Quality Food

Safe Quality Food (SQF) 

The Validus SQF certification program follows the SQF Food Safety Codes, Edition 9. The certification program meets the needs of all suppliers in the food industry through an internationally recognized certification system, featuring an emphasis on the systematic application of HACCP.

SQF Fundamentals:

  • An entry level program for small and medium sized food suppliers new to food safety or who want to take their existing program to the next level. The Fundamentals program is designed to help business integrate a robust food safety standard into the already existing practices, while creating a pathway to the globally accepted GFSI certification. 


SQF Food Safety:

  • SQFI has a collection of 13 industry specific codes that are globally accepted, GFSI benchmarked food safety standards. The standards provide site with a HACCP based approach to ensure that their products meet almost all regulations.

SQF Quality Code:

  • This program is designed to monitor and control food quality related threats. The code uses the Codex HACCP method to identify and control quality threats, and address process controls to monitor quality, identify deviations from control parameters, and define corrections necessary to keep processes under control. The Quality program can be done in tandem with the SQF Food Safety Program or as a stand alone audit.

The SQF Food Sector Categories (FSC) that Validus currently audits to are below.

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Validus currently conducts audits in 10 different SQF Food Sector Categories (FSC). 

These audits include:  

  • FSC 1 – Production, capture and Harvesting of Livestock and game animals

  • FSC 7 – Slaughterhouse, Boning and Butchery Operations

  • FSC 8 – Manufactured Meats and Poultry

  • FSC 9 – Seafood Processing

  • FSC 10 – Dairy Food Processing

  • FSC 12 – Egg Processing

  • FSC 20 – Recipe Meals Manufacture

  • FSC 22 – Processing of cereal grain

  • FSC 32 – Manufacturing of Pet Food

  • FSC 34 – Manufacturing of Animal Feed


Bundling Opportunities

The certification process is often thought of as time consuming and laborious.  How will you manage more certifications when you're already focusing on so many others? If it’s your first time, certification is honestly a daunting task.


WFCF has focused priorities and certification efforts to serve consumer package good companies, retailers, suppliers and farmers to ensure we can offer all of the highly recognized certifications while reducing your costs, creating brand awareness and saving you time by streamlining and bundling your many certifications.

WFCF has five different divisions under the WFCF umbrella and are each led by the industry’s experts in their given field.  When you choose to work with WFCF, you can rest assured you're working with the best of the best!

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