Over the last few months we’ve shared dozens of stories about our farmers, ranchers, and partners and the verification processes they participate in. If you’ve been a regular blog reader you’ve likely come to understand that those verification processes include multiple pillars covering specific guidelines that provide the framework for the food certifications. From worker care, animal welfare, and environment standards, all of these categories are extremely critical when it comes to the food we eat. Did you know that even the feed animals eat can impact their eligibility for certain verification programs? IMI Global, a division of Where Food Comes From, offers the Feed Verified program as a way to ensure farmers and ranchers that the feeds they are purchasing or are looking to purchase meet the requirements of certain programs. Feeds are a critical component to achieving verification and can also be a risk area when it comes to compliance, which is why the layer of assurance Feed Verified provides is increasingly valuable to livestock owners.
IMI Global
As a leading provider of verification solutions, IMI Global understands the need to provide a variety of services when it comes to program quality and customer expectations. As you’ve learned in earlier blogs, IMI Global supports verification services for the livestock industry, including beef, pork, dairy, poultry, bison and eggs. IMI Global is constantly evolving, improving and growing based on what the market is demanding, and Feed Verified is a perfect example of how industry needs prompt program innovation. Let’s take a look!
Feed Verified
Feed Verified is a resource for livestock producers to search feeds that have been reviewed and verified to meet certain requirements. Feeds can be verified for use in multiple programs, including: Non-Hormone Treated Cattle, Verified Natural, Non-GMO Project Verified, Organic Certification, and the GAP 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating Program.
The number one reason an animal is not able to be approved for one of the programs named above is due to their consumption of a non-compliant feedstuff. Many feeds in the marketplace today are labeled as Natural, but when it comes to these detailed program requirements, they often contain ingredients that do not comply. Therefore, producers are often unknowingly misled when they purchase a “natural” feed and then during their audit find out it contains a prohibited substance and disqualifies their cattle.
This is why Feed Verified has become a valuable tool for producers. The peace of mind it provides is paramount to their operational success. You can see the complete list of Feed Verified products here, including Alltech’s featured feeds, the very first Feed Verified brand to enroll in the program. Stay tuned for more details on Alltech’s many programs!
Getting Involved
If you’re interested in becoming involved with Feed Verified or want more information you can email info@imiglobal.com or visit their website at www.imiglobal.com. Where Food Comes From and IMI Global are dedicated to driving value and authenticity for both food producers and consumers. Please be sure to follow us on our social networks to stay up to date on new and exciting programs. Learn more about IMI Global’s Specialty Programs HERE.