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It’s (Almost) A New Year – What Will You Focus On In 2019?

By now, most of us are probably settling down from all the shopping craze and holiday festivities, which means New Year’s Day is just around the corner. The beginning of the year is the perfect time to start your new diet or finally learn how to meal prep. In 2018, 45% of Americans surveyed vowed to lose weight or get in shape. Were you one of those 45%? Instead of going with a weight loss goal this year, maybe it’s time to get more specific, like setting daily step goals on that new Fitbit you got for Christmas or something as easy as getting more educated and informed about the food you’re eating. While we can’t help with the Fitbit, there are several ways to educate yourself on food origin.

Setting a new year’s goal to get more educated on your food might seem difficult to put into practice. Where would you begin? As you think about your food situation at home, you may start to realize that most people are disconnected about the origin of the food that they eat. With less than 2% of our population directly involved in food production it’s easy to understand why people feel so disconnected. However, the positive news is that over the last few years socially responsible practices have become increasingly more popular. This includes animal welfare, worker care, environmental integrity and other important aspects of food production. That’s one of the reasons why Where Food Comes From cares about bridging the consumer education gap by partnering with dozens of programs and organizations to help you take the guess work out of food origin and welfare label claims.

For example, our Validus Certified programs cover everything from animal food and water quality standards to housing that promotes animal comfort and cleanliness to environmental and worker care standards. Our Animal Welfare Review programs for beef, swine and dairy farms focus specifically on the following:

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So, if 2019 is the year for you to start making more informed food choices for your family, we’d like to help. Give us a follow on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to learn about the services and programs we offer as well as some great behind the scenes looks at the farms and ranches that utilize our services.

Finally, as that countdown to New Year’s Day ticks ever closer, Where Food Comes From is making it our resolution, through our programs, to bring you more information about the food you’re eating. Follow us into the new year as we take this food origin journey together. From all of us at Where Food Comes From we wish you a very Happy New Year!


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