Third-Party Verification Programs
The type of product you are growing, raising or packaging will impact what kind of verification and certification programs are available to you and most appropriate for your needs. As you can probably imagine, programs that work well for a cattle producer or beef processor may not fit the needs of an asparagus farmer or orange juice purveyor. Similarly, the demand for specific product attributes varies greatly between food products – which is exactly why you’ve come to the right place!
Our team can help determine what programs may or may not fit best for your operation and your marketing needs, and answer any questions you have on the process, expectations, standards and estimated audit schedule.
Upcycled Certified is officially part of the Where Food Comes From family.
CARE Certified:
Where Food Comes From CARE Certified is a suite of sustainability standards that certifies participating farmers and ranchers are implementing exceptional practices by having a foundation centered around Animal Care and Environmental Stewardship, while also ensuring support for their People and Community.
Third-Party & Private Label Programs:
One of the unique aspects of Where Food Comes From, Inc. is our ability to provide verification and certification services to a broad range of programs and standards. In addition to our USDA accreditation, we are also an approved third-party verifier for 50+ additional programs and organizations, and have highlighted many of them below.
USDA Process Verified Programs (PVP):
Multiple divisions of Where Food Comes From, Inc. carry USDA PVP accreditation, which means that we offer verification services to a wide variety of “points” or “claims” that are tied to processes and procedures the USDA has reviewed and approved. We conduct the audits, determine compliance to the claims requested, and issue certificates of approval for our customers.
Age Verification
Additional programs offered within the WFCF Process Verified umbrella are:
Never-Fed Beta Agonists, Vegetarian Fed, Flax Fed and SO100 Feed Claims.
Validus Certified Programs:
WFCF Process Verified Program
The Where Food Comes From Process Verified Program (PVP) offers a unique avenue to market products using clearly defined, implemented, and transparent marketing claims.
A customer’s program may include one or more agricultural processes or portions of processes where self-described marketing claims are supported by a documented management system and independently verified by a qualified WFCF verification specialist.
Investigative Audits:
Where Food Comes From can work with you to schedule investigative audits to minimize your risk or assess a current situation within your supply chain. Contact us to learn more!
Standard Management & Software Â
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